Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fish tank filter problem?


My 30g tank at work has 3 fancy golfish in it. I just found out today that the filter broke, but I don't know when it did. It was fine when I left on Sunday. Anyways, I won't be able to exchange it for a few more weeks because I can't afford to pay my grandmother $15 just to go to the pet store. The only extra filter I had is for a 10g tank so I put that in there along with an ammonia remover insert and an activated carbon insert. With weekly 50% water changes, will the goldfish be okay until I manage to get a new filter?


Meantime,if at least a decent sponge filter is in the budget,I'd get it .... it will help decrease some of the volume you'll need to change.

Note also that even fancy goldfish can grow too large for the tank. You might want to make water changes a regular part of weekly maintainance even after you get the new filter up and running.

Yes if you keep up the water changes, the 10g filter will do FOR A BIT. Goldfish are messy fish, so if you can you should get a 50g filter, if not a 30g would be ok.

yeh the goldfish should be fine i mean ppl have them in tanks with no filters and they live pretty long im sure a week or so without a filter wont hurt

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