Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fish Tank algae Help?


I think my tap water might have alot of phospates in it, I live by mexico.


Algae needs light and nutrients, so if you don't have live plants only use the lights when viewing your fish and be sure you're not over feeding your fish. If you still have algae look at where the tank is situated and try to move it to a shadier area in your home.

i am from the uk so dont know if they sell this near mexico but you can buy RO water from your petshop or alternatively buy some chemical that you add to tapwater to remove the phosphates. you can also buy some snails, catfish and algae eaters. if you do not have any live plants these will help too, make sure your tank is away from the sun and that your tank is not overstocked/in too much sunlight. DO NOT BLEACH YOU COULD KILL THE FISH you could also try a new filter that sits on the outside of the tank not inside hopes thisw helps

for one scrape the walls pull the decorations out scrub them. and use a gravel filter and suck as much algae out as you can with a normal 20% water change add algeacide wait a week and clean filter. wait 2 or three weeks and repeat if necessary. after that just use a magnrt scrapper to keep it under control . and dont forget to suck gravle now and again fish pooh is good fertalizer for algae

Remoras or suckerfish are ideal for cleaning a tank of algae. I know that Pet stores like Pet Co. or Petsmart have them. and if you do consider getting one then ask an employee about them and tell them your situation.

Green algae is normally from too much light. Make sure the tank is not in direct sun and turn off the lights. They tank should have the same hours of daylight as there is outside, around 8-10.

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