Monday, September 7, 2009

Would these fish be good for a 10 gallon tank?


with a heater,stronge filter,and 3 live plants.I will do water changes every 5 days and change the filter every 6 days.Will that be ok? I CANT upgrade.This 10 gallon was my upgrade! (i have a 2.5 and 5 gallon so yeah to me its a big upgrade!)



Do you have a plan in action for if the livebearers mate and overrun your tank with fry? If not, skip 'em. Livebearers such as platies and mollies are notorious for breeding at will and having births of several live young.

if you want all that it's going to be more then 10 gallons a algea eater get's up to 11 inches ,mollies up to 4 in. ,platys up to 3 in. ,neon tetras up to .85 in. , and barbs it depends but a tiger barbis to agressive for platies and mollies .so eather upgrade alot more or don't buy some fish exemple-1 mollies and 6 neon tetras ex: 3 platys another ex:12 neon tetras ex:7 tiger barbs and thats all the examples i have oh and you can get a male and female betta . lower you expectations some and remember the 1 gallon per 1 in. of fish rule this rule exempts goldfish.

and an apple snail.

the barbs get to 3 inches..if youre talkin bout tiger barbs. and they also need to be in 6+ more groups. same with the tetras. plus theyre aggressive-6 neon tetras3-5 corydorasgood luck

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