i recently got a green spotted puffer... and i read that they are a lot happier in brackish of marine water (mines in fresh water for now). I also read that they should be switched to brackish when they are 2-3 inches big. so i was just wondering how is this done? when should it be done? what salt is best? will my filter suck up the salt? does the water have to have had stress coat or something to remove clorine before putting salt in? THANKS IN ADVANCE
Answers:And you don't have to worry about your filter. Even if you use carbon in your filter, the carbon won't take out any of the salt, although you might see salt creep on the filter. This is when salted water is drawn up through the floss or foam, and the water evaporates, leaving behind a salty crust. I just knock it off [into the filter] so it dissolves again. You don't want to have pure salt touch your fish, this can burn their skin.
Good luck!
EDIT: You should use marine salt NOT aquarium salt. And you NEVER NEVER add marine salt directly to the tank! You add it when you add new water with a water change!!!
good luck
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