Hello, I am cycling my new tank 5 gallons with one zebra (he will be moved to a bigger tank when cycling is complete) and I am having ammonia issues. I expected this and have been doing my partial water changes daily (I have done 3 so far). There has been no change in my ammonia levels so I decided to test my tap water (I let it stand for 24 hours before using it) and it measured the same level of ammonia as what is in my tank. I then tested the water through my water filter, it is better but not by much. So I called a friend for advise and she said to get reverse osmosis water. I went to the store that carries it and although that water is better it is still reading at "stress" level (0,5) when I tested it. What is my next option? thanks
Answers:Are you using test strips? They are notoriously inaccurate. If yes or no, I would check by testing a brand new bottle of distilled water, distilled should be free of EVERYTHING, so you know it would read 0. If it doesn't on your test...your test is off, by however much ot reads. Other then may want to try a bacteria booster or something to help get bacteria in your tank to get rid of the ammonia asap, it wont work immediately but it will help (some will debate me on even that point but, I have had nothing but success with "microbe-lift"). Good luck!!
it eliminates the bad elements like chlorine and ammonia, and make the water safe. ps. every so often you will want to put in a gallon of distilled water. also make sure you are not over feeding your fish because that can add to the ammonia.
it will b much effective and riskless
use water conditioner. It works really well so long as you cycle it a bit before you put fish in.
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