Monday, September 14, 2009

Will my neon tetras breed?


I bought 2 neon tetra's from a pet store the other day, and i want to get more because they are like 5$ each... (very expensive for a fish..) so i got 6 and i see 2 females and the rest are males and they are in a 10 gallon tank with 1 betta. There is alot of plants in it so if they do breed i think the fry would be able to survive. The water is at 78 degrees and its filtered. Help?


In order to breed these fish the conditions have to be spot on, this means a low pH and conditioning with a wide range of live foods. The fish would have to be removed into a separate tank covered with a dark sheet, as the eggs are photosensitive.


the above link will help you.

No because the males outweigh the females and they will only breed if only 2 are in the tank.

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