Friday, September 4, 2009

How often should my betta's tank be cleaned.?


I have a betta in a 2.5 gallon aquarium with a small tetra whisper filter, heater, and bubble wand.(btw, the betta loves the bubbles) and I was wondering how often I should clean it and what percentage of the water should be replaced each week.


BTW, thank you for giving your Betta a proper home!

i just wanted to add, do you have a heater? bettas are tropical fish that need a temperature of 80 degrees he may survive for awhile without it but if you want him to live for a long time, and not get ich, a heater is necassary. thanks, :-}

i have a betta and i clean its area once a week, thats what i have heard the norm is, but you have a filter i just have a bowl, so i would say every two weeks clean it out or whenever you think it is time, but i would do it every two weeks

You should clean it every 3-4 weeks.

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