do you have a deep sand bed, shallow sand bed or bare bottom? and why
Answers:thats an overview of my JBJ 12 gallon nano cube and i had fun writing it!
I have a ten gallon nano reef, the aquarium systems seaclone protein skimmer 100 (piece of crap, don't buy it.) I use instant ocean and an aquarium systems hydrometer (pretty accurate). I use a tetra 15 hang on back filter, hydor (I think that's the name...) powerhead. They're the round ones with the ball joint and magnetic back, super good performance. I have a deep sand bed, a mix of coral sand and very fine playground sand. The anaerobic bacteria grow in there where there's no oxygen and turn nitrate into nitrogen gas, so it helps keep the nitrates down which is important in a small system. I have no refugium or sump, I just stick macroalgae in the display and let it float around. Plus I already have a deep sand bed in there, so my tank is kind of like one big refugium I suppose. The crabs eat the macro and I don't mind how it looks.
Personally I don't have one but having a reef tank can be a very special experience for some people.
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